The Hobbit: Movies vs. Book

Image result for azog gif Hi Everybody!

Today I am going to be comparing the book version vs. movie version of Hobbit and just chatting about it a bit. **Spoilers for both down below** Do not read if you have not watched or read Hobbit and want to.

First Major difference is the fact that there is ONE book and THREE movies.

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I really think the Hobbit could have been told in two or even one long movie.  Why three? Three freaking 2 hour movies from a 300 page book………..I think Peter Jackson did it for the money. Haha.

Next difference I want to mention is about Azog the White Orc.

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Yeah that guy. The one who’s such a pivotal part of the plot in the movie……but actually is mentioned one time in the book. Mhmmm.

Next we have a plot addition I love. TAURIEL.

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She is so cool and badass until we come to the weird part where she and Kili have a thing.

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And me is like: I kinda ship it but it’s so weiiirrrrrrrrddddd. Not because he is short or anything but like it’s weird. And then that part when she’s healing him is so creepy.

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And then he dies and I’m like whoaaaaaaahhhhhh. WHAT. YOU ALMOST MADE ME SHIP IT AND THEN HE DIED.

I didn’t know at the time he was going to die because I watched the movies first so I was so surprised and SAD.

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Another thing different about the movies is what a big deal they made about the black arrow.


Book: This is my lucky arrow. I have never missed with it. I like it a lot.

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Next difference is that in the movie they explain where Gandalf was. I like this difference a lot because in the book we never get an explanation to this.

On that note they also added more about the necromancer.

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They also added Galadriel, which make me happy ’cause she’s EPIC.

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Since we’re on the topic of the characters can I point out that Thorin was less of an asshole in the book.

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On a totally unrelated note, this moment in the movie is the BEST and always makes me so happy. Just so sweet.

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Can I mention a fact that makes me angry about the movie. In the movie they get rescued from the spiders by the elves but in the book it was by Bilbo! They took away one of his coolest moments.

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Also in the movie they made a big deal of the dwarf and elf rivalry. They didn’t love each other in the book but they didn’t HATE each other per se. Just adding more drama.

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The Battle of Five Armies was sooooo long in the movie, like 1 hour. But in the book it was like ten pages, and that show down between Thorin and Azog, well that never happened.

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Don’t get me wrong, the battle is cool but like a little too much maybe?

Also why is Legolas here?

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I think PJ heard somewhere that love triangles were popular these days and was like “How can I add a love triangle to hobbit?”

“I KNOW!!! Put Legolas in there, add a nonexistent badass elf woman and make Kili and her have feelings for each other, while all this time Legolas loves her too!”

Ok, ok, ok. I’m sure there are more differences but I’ve taken up enough of your time. And I know I went crazy with those gifs 😀 😛

Book Rating: 5 stars

Movie Rating: 5 stars (Ya’ll I love ’em, despite some weird ass moments)

Image result for hobbit gif tauriel kili  i could have anything down my trousers

Image result for hobbit gif tauriel kili  i could have anything down my trousers

Image result for hobbit gif tauriel or nothing

Me (dying of laughter)

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Anyway, bai, if you got this far congrats. You deserve all the gold in Erebor!






Least Favorite Book Cover Types

There are some book covers that, no matter the synopsis or name, make me not want to read the book or make me guaranteed to NEVER pick it up or just plain makes me mad.

Cover type #1: Guy’s bare chest


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If all you can give me is some ripped guy’s abs and chest I am automatically NEVER reading your book. It’s weird. It tells me nothing about the book. It’s unoriginal. Thank you but no thank you.

Cover type #2: Boy and Girl

The cover where it’s a girl and a guy staring lovingly at each other or cuddling.

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I generally hate girl meets boy books and these covers are so dumb. They’re booooooooring. They’re stupid. They are cringy.

Cover type #3: Covers where the MC looks NOTHING like in the book

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I hate book covers where the person portrayed on the cover doesn’t match their description in the book. It especially pisses me off if they are super model beautiful in an unrealistic way and we know that’s not how they are in the book.

Cover type #4: Movie Editions

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The books are not the movies. DON’T PUT THE MOVIES ON THE BEAUTIFUL BOOKS. You ruin it!!!! Why, why, why. The movie probably SUCKS. You make it ugly. *sniffle sniffle* I just hate movie editions of books. They suck.

That’s all!

What is your least favorite book cover type? Any book cover you especially hated?



October 2017 TBR

So here’s my list on the books I am planning to read this October!

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I NEED THIS BOOK. I’ve heard so MUCH good stuff about it and all my goodreads friends love it and THAT COVER. *faints*

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I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE. Literally DYING. I was recommended by one of my blogger friends, Mandy. And I think I am going to LOVE it.

Image result for to kill a mockingbird

I love this book and plan on doing a reread this October. It’s FANTASTIC. I”m so so so excited.

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I really, really want to read this book. I hope I get to it this month. I’ve heard fantastic praise about it.

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Another book everyone LOVES. I really, really, really am dying to read this book. 😀 😀 SOOOOOOOOOO excited.

So these are the books I want to complete this month, but I will probably read tons more!

How about you? What are some books you wanna read this October? Let me know!


My Parents hate the books I read (storytime)

Hey everyone. Today I am going to be telling you about a little something I deal with from my parents on a daily basis, them hating on the books I love and adore.

I know I just said “hating” but I wouldn’t exactly call it “hating.” I’d call it them telling me “I read crappy books” and to “read better literature” and to stop “reading so much, especially of such crap.” *sigh*

It really annoys me because why would they ever do that to something that makes me so happy, I don’t get it. Sure, I don’t care if you don’t like the books I read, just keep your opinion to YOURSELF and let me read what I love. Don’t judge me for reading what I love to read.

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They have a problem with fantasy and YA and even *sigh* Harry Potter. (which is sooo totally unfair because they are judging it on the movies, JUST READ THE BOOK!)

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So I really don’t like to read in front of them, or buy books in front of them, in case they start ranting about how dumb my book selection is. So yeah, this is a thing that very much bothers me. I don’t understand and I don’t judge people by what books they like to read. I don’t like Twilight but do I judge people who love/like it, NO of course not!

Just let me read what I love, and I’ll do the same for you. Not so hard is it.

How about you? Do you know people who judge you for what you read? Have you been in a situation where people judge you for liking a certain book/series/genre?



Books that made me cry

Here’s a list of books that made CRY like a little baby, or like the gif above. ^^

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

This book HURT ME SO BADLY. I was crying, the tears were streaming down my cheeks. So emotional *sniffles remembering it.* Oh and by the way I hope that icon in the corner of the image that says “soon to be an abc family original” isn’t true because they BUTCHERED The Mortal Instruments when they turned it into the show: Shadowhunters. If they do that to TID……..I would be so devastated.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

This book is so emotional, probably my favorite EVER historical fiction novel. I have yet to watch the film but I bet I’m going to need a whole box of Kleenex….maybe even two. 😥

The Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling (spoilers for this book below, you are WARNED)

The first time I read the part when Fred dies………..I was shocked and my reaction was something like this.

I might have gone a little crazy with the gifs but….I WAS AM HEART BROKEN.

Champion by Marie Lu

Book 3 of the Legend trilogy just….ripped me apart and ate my heart for dessert because that ending. 😥 😦 Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Marie Lu? If this book had been my own instead of my friends I would have done this exact thing:

😀 So here is my list of books that made me sob, there are definitely tons more that did and I probably forgot them (that’s what happens when you’ve read nearly 800 books, sadly).

Please, like and follow my blog for more bookish content.


Lord of Shadows Review

Pinch me to see if I am still alive. Please pinch me, I swear it won’t hurt as much as much as the emotional pain Cassie Clare has put me through. She has literally taken her pen and stabbed me with it, in the eyes, in the heart. I am not ok.

Book: Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare (book 2 of the Dark Artifices)

Rating: 5 stars

Age range: 14+

^^me when I started reading^^

^^Me when I finished reading^^

Lord of Shadows was amazing. AMAZING. It was super tear worthy, so many sob moments, lots of laughs and fangirl moments.

Why I love it:

The characters! The characters of TDA are absolutely perfect, a blended cast of people who I love. Emma is amazing, and perhaps my favorite female MC of Clare’s . She’s strong and badass, and is kind of low key funny. Julian is PERFECTION. He’s so dark! I love him. Mark is adorable, he’s so clueless and sweet and I love him. Kieran grew on me so much, I considered him an asshole in book 1 but he is definitely growing on me. Ty, Livvy and Kit are #squadgoals. No seriously, I love it. Drusilla is so underrated, more love for Dru please! AND MAGNUS AND ALEC AND MAX AND RAFE. Omygod I didn’t expect that. I love Magnus. I love Alec, he never gets enough love in TMI. Diana is amazing, she’s so cool and her backstory is thumbs up. And I even like Gwyn.

The ships! There is no doubt there are A LOT of ships here. My ships from LoS: Juliemma (Julian+Emma), Kit+Ty, Mark+Cristina but also a little bit of Mark+Kieran, Gwyn+Diana, Malec (of course hehe), etc. I don’t know if I’ve forgotten some but these ships are just wonderful.

The writing! Can we just have a moment of silence for Cassie’s writing? It’s BEAUTIFUL. It just makes the experience of reading her books even more spectacular. It’s just gorgeous! 5 stars simply for her writing. It’s perfect.

The faeries! In her other books the other downworlders have been featured a lot, vampires, werewolves, warlocks etc, but the faeries have only been briefly. And honestly they might be my favorite downworlders. So I am SO happy we get to see more faeries in TDA!!!!!!

THE REFERENCES. I love the references to TMI and to TID. Like when Kit is in the library and is like “the majority of them had been scribbled on by some idiot called Will H” (or something like that, I can’t remember exactly) I LITERALLY FREAKED OUT. I love references 😀 😀 They make me so happy.


The ending…………………………..WHAT CASSIE CLARE. I was expecting it to be like Julian sacrifices himself for Emma or something BUT THAT NO NO NO THIS IS NOT HONORABLE. I HATE IT. *tears stream down my cheeks* How could you?

This series is definitely worth reading, but I do recommend you read The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices first, so ya get the references and stuff. Anyway, I am going to go die because I need Queen of Air and Darkness now and it doesn’t come out until May 2018.