Least Favorite Book Cover Types

There are some book covers that, no matter the synopsis or name, make me not want to read the book or make me guaranteed to NEVER pick it up or just plain makes me mad.

Cover type #1: Guy’s bare chest


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If all you can give me is some ripped guy’s abs and chest I am automatically NEVER reading your book. It’s weird. It tells me nothing about the book. It’s unoriginal. Thank you but no thank you.

Cover type #2: Boy and Girl

The cover where it’s a girl and a guy staring lovingly at each other or cuddling.

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I generally hate girl meets boy books and these covers are so dumb. They’re booooooooring. They’re stupid. They are cringy.

Cover type #3: Covers where the MC looks NOTHING like in the book

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I hate book covers where the person portrayed on the cover doesn’t match their description in the book. It especially pisses me off if they are super model beautiful in an unrealistic way and we know that’s not how they are in the book.

Cover type #4: Movie Editions

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The books are not the movies. DON’T PUT THE MOVIES ON THE BEAUTIFUL BOOKS. You ruin it!!!! Why, why, why. The movie probably SUCKS. You make it ugly. *sniffle sniffle* I just hate movie editions of books. They suck.

That’s all!

What is your least favorite book cover type? Any book cover you especially hated?